Erika Mosteller, owner at Erika B Marketing
Daisy Mosteller, assistant marketer

Marketing services to help your small Business

The foundation of clear messaging for your business starts with a story-driven message. All effective marketing will grow from these foundational philosophies for your business.

Your marketing messaging should answer these questions:

  1. What problem does your dream customer face in their life?

  2. How does your business help them solve this problem and change their life?

  3. How will their life be better if they choose to do business with you? What are the stakes for them if they do not choose your business?

  4. What can you offer them as proof of your expertise?

Your customers will envision themselves doing business with you, and your team will thank you for giving them clear messaging for sales.

Use your words for Good.

Copywriting for websites, Sales campaigns, or marketing intiatives

Never underestimate the power of telling your brand story in ONE STRONG message on your website, emails, and social media pages.

Taking the time to develop your company’s messaging brings 10x the return on your investment.

Results of a strong brand story?

You and your team know what you offer, why you’re unique, and how your customer’s life will change when they do business with your company.

Bonus: Your dream customer will, too.

The key to a strong digital presence is in solid, clear copywriting that invites your customer or prospect to catch the vision of doing business with your company.

Daisy and Erika consulting on marketing for Erika B Marketing



Curious about how effective your current marketing is?

Grab this FREE marketing audit to assess the strengths and weaknesses of marketing in your business.

Designed to stand out.

Rooted in story.

Let’s tell the world about your business,

And make Your marketing fun again.