5 tips for non-profit marketing that make donors want to give

I just finished presenting a new brand messaging package to an international nonprofit who was looking for a cohesive message to increase donor support. This organization was struggling to find words to succinctly explain their work because they serve in over 30 countries worldwide.

Maybe your nonprofit is struggling with the same problem: when you do such broad work, how to do you clearly explain that work without overwhelming donors?

Here is how we solved the overwhelm:

1. Look at their guiding principle:

Grain of Wheat's guiding principle was from the Bible, a verse in the gospel of John about children of light. I took this idea as the central point to cover their umbrella of work. Maybe your organization has a guiding principle as well, so think through the foundational motivation for your nonprofit work, and move from there. Is it eco-based? Is it religious? Is it humanitarian?

2. Empower the donor through the donor's paradigm.

The ideal donor for this non-profit is Christian, so I pulled from Biblical callings that Christians take seriously to be good stewards and to love the widow and orphan. I created the messaging so that the donor would feel empowered to join the movement and put their money where philosophically they feel compelled.

3. Think in problem/solution dichotomies.

What is the donor's problem? They don't know how to solve their external problem of being asked by too many organizations to give money, and they are overwhelmed by their philosophical problem of stewarding their money to orphans and widows in distress.

How does Grain of Wheat solve that problem? For 75 years, they have relied on generous donations to help bring christian humanitarian services to children in war torn and impoverished countries worldwide.

4. Give a clear plan of action.

We streamlined the top three ways Grain of Wheat served children worldwide, and then we offered an easy three-step plan for donors to join that work. Remember that too many steps and too many actions overwhelm your donors. Think in groups of three, and offer one clear call to action for donors to join your work.

5. Use this messaging across all platforms.

Cohesive and clear messaging provides authority and trust with your donors. Create a strategy that uses your messaging across social media, email marketing, your website, and any paper marketing materials you use.

Where did we land for Grain of Wheat for their new marketing message?

One-liner/elevator pitch:

The darkness of war and poverty hurts innocent children the most; Grain of Wheat International has been bringing the light of the gospel to these children since 1948. Join our group of generous donors who boldly proclaim God’s goodness and light through humanitarian aid in the world’s hardest places.   

Three steps the organization takes:


Partner with local ministries - Local leaders are already doing good work, but they lack resources to make a larger impact. We bring the resources to help them shine the light farther. 

Serve in the hardest places - Myanmar, Syria, Russia, Belarus, etc. are some of the darkest places and the hardest to shine the light. But God is at work in these places, and in him there’s no darkness at all. 

Love the children - Children are not the aggressors, but they are always the victims of war and poverty. We aim to personally connect with every child through camps, schools, activities, art and more: ski school in uzbekistan, laundry and art in Syria, farming in Uganda, church-planting in Myanmar. God is at work, and we are shining his light wherever he enables.

Three ways the donor can join the work:


PRAY: follow us on FB, and sign up for our newsletter. We ask for specific prayers for our staff and the children and families we love. 

GIVE: We honor your stewardship, and we know every gift comes from God’s hands. 86 cents of every dollar goes directly to shine God’s light to children in war-torn and impoverished places worldwide. 

WATCH: Join our movement and watch God work. The darkness cannot drown the light; let’s watch His goodness and light change lives through humanitarian aid and Christ's love. 

Hopefully this helps you think through your non-profit marketing!



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