Great Marketing Resources to Grow Your Brand and Boost Leads That Convert To Sales

"Your website is likely the first impression a potential customer will receive about your company. It’s almost like a first date. The customer simply needs to know that you have something they want and you can be trusted to deliver whatever that is.” - Donald Miller, Building A Storybrand

Four of Erika B. Marketing’s favorite marketing products.

We all know that the market for marketing and business resources is full of noise. SO.MUCH.NOISE.

Part of what I LOVE doing at Erika B. Marketing is using my research experience (did you know I was a historian in my former life?!) to sift out the junk from the research-based, data-driven products.

Read on to see if any of these products can help your marketing business, too!

Favorite Marketing Books:

  1. Building A Storybrand - Donald Miller - If you want to clarify your message and make sure you know how to tell your customers and prospects what you are selling, this book is for you. Jam-packed full of practical, applicable steps to making sure you can clearly tell the world the awesome things your business is doing.

  2. Marketing Made Simple - Donald Miller and JJ Peterson I LOVE THIS BOOK. After you read Building a Storybrand, head on over and purchase Marketing Made Simple. You might notice a theme here with Donald Miller, but he has built a business from 240k to 20 million using this simple, effective, and research-based formula for marketing using story and selling using story. It's brilliant and compelling, and will give you solid footing and a clear framework for marketing your product or service. Need help? You can always email me at for a free strategy call.

  3. This Is Marketing - Seth Godin No marketing list would be complete without Seth Godin on there. He is considered the father of marketing, and while his writing is not as clear as Donald Miller's, his case-studies are very readable and compelling. Definitely worth adding to your business bookshelves.

Favorite Marketing Resources:

  1. Business Made Simple Podcast - This entire website is fantastic for small business owners looking to scale. They have wonderful freebies, like business plans frameworks to scale your business, and their podcast is packed full of value as well. Definitely worth following!

  2. Strong Brand Social Content Training - I love the content over at Strong Brand Social. I have even teamed up with them to offer discounts to my followers (you can follow me on Instagram for the next discount after this one ends on April 30!) I love this training because this company knows that keeping up with the dog and pony tricks Meta requires and encourages is just not sustainable for small businesses. Instead, Strong Brand Social offers awesome (and somewhat cheeky, beware!) trainings about how to build your brand strategy on social and only post 2-3 times per week. SIGN. ME.UP.

  3. Tailwind - If you're struggling to manage multiple social platforms in your business (other than just using Meta Business Suite), you can check out Tailwind. They have legit AI tools that are not confusing, wonderful social media content calendars and prompts, and can sync with Pinterest. Full disclosure: Tailwind markets themselves at "your marketing team," but it still requires time and work to use their services. Need help figuring it all out? Send me an email for a free strategy session!

Hope these help! Cheers to telling your story LOUD and showing the world what you have to offer!

Cheering you on,


PS - My strategy sessions are always free, so send me an email to get something on the books! Or, you can book grab my FREE Guide to building a sales-driven website right here.


What story does your website tell?