What story does your website tell?

The more we talk about the problems our customers experience, the more interest they will have in our brand.”

- Donald Miller, Building a Storybrand

What story does you website tell?

Do you want to invite more customers into doing business with you?

Of course, the answer to that question is yes!

SO, here is a question:

How is your website converting people to leads right now?

When someone visits your website, your should have three top goals:

  1. Keep them on the page for more than 5 seconds, so make sure your page loads at a decent speed and is clear and beautiful when it loads.

  2. Make sure your business offering and locations of service are clear, including multiple ways to contact you via email, phone, or scheduling an appointment.

  3. Pique their interest so they think their life will be better if they do business with you and your company.

Number three is the one must people miss.

In our noisy world, how do you grab someone's attention and keep them on your page?

By inviting them into the story of doing business with you. People are most concerned with one thing: our survival. If something is not going to help our survival, we shift into daydream mode and lose attention super fast.

So what's one thing that snaps us out of that daydream mode? The power of story.

What story is your website telling customers when they visit?

If your business is any good, then you have a fantastic story to tell. Entrepreneurs are such cool people (which is why I love my job), and more often than not, local business people are doing awesome work, offering phenomenal customer service, and creating a really cool product that customers love.

So, tell that story! ( Need help? Grab my FREE Website guide here!)

Grab a piece of paper, and think through the following:

1. How is my business taking care of customers in ways that make their lives better?

Write a story about a customer. Ex. Joe came home from work one day, tired and ready to wrangle his kids, sit down to supper with his family, and hear about his wife's day. But when he got home, the sink barely dripped, and the water pressure was horrible. He walked outside, and his yard was mushy. He needed help fast, from someone he could trust. He remembered seeing on Facebook a review about ABC Plumbing being quick to respond and very professional and honest. He googled their number, called them right away, and they were at his house in 30 minutes. He was still able to salvage the evening, spend time with his family, and trust the professionals to solve his problem.

WHAT. A. STORY. ABC Plumbing just made Joe the hero of the night to his family, by allowing him to solve a major problem without hassle.

What story do your customers have, and how does your company solve their points of conflict in that story? For more on how you can use story in your company, check out one of my favorite books, Building A Storybrand By Donald Miller.

2. How are we experts in our field, and how can that expertise save people time, money, and stress?

Has your company won any awards? Do you have any certifications?

Even better, what free, expert information can you offer to people who visit your website?

One of the best ways to build trust with potential customers is to show them your expertise in a way that solves their problem for free. This strategy might sound counterintuitive, but if you can offer someone some awesome FREE information, then you are building trust in their minds that you can offer them phenomenal PAID information/service!

So create a FREE PDF, or free estimator for service, or whatever your area of expertise is, and offer it in exchange for an email when people visit your site. More on this in a future blog post, as this is the beginning stage of a beautiful tool called a digital sales funnel. (Need help? Grab my FREE Guide to the Top 7 Things Your Website Is Missing!)

3. How can we show strangers that we do good quality work, and prove that they should give us a chance?

Every good website should have reviews. If you are not already automating your review process, go ahead and do so because those reviews are like GOLD.

Allow customers and potential customers to see your recent work, or a portfolio of work. Have a section dedicated to reviews from clients.

Remember, no customer really cares about YOUR story, how your company was founded, what made you love your job, etc. They only care about how your story relates to their story. The more you can relate the story of your company and offerings to the story of your customer, the more leads and conversions you will see in your business.

Telling your company's story and inviting your customer to enter that story will 100% make your marketing fun again.

Need help telling your company's story? Send me an email (erika@erikabmarketing.com) or book a call so we can dream together!

Check out my website here for a story-driven website that checks these boxes.

Happy storytelling!


PS - Don’t forget to grab my FREE guide to The Top 7 Things Your Website Is Missing!


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